

Two Frederick Biotech Start-Ups Among Ten Finalists to Present at First Coast Innovation Challenge

Tamar Osterman

The Frederick Innovative Technology Center, Inc. (FITCI), Frederick, Maryland’s tech incubator, announced today that two of its client companies, Abilis Life Sciences and Theradaptive, are among ten finalists who will be presenting at the First Coast Innovation Challenge on September 5th in Boston.

The First Coast Innovation Challenge is part of the RESI (Redefining Early Stage Investments) Healthtech Week, held September 5-7, 2018. Day 1 will feature the First Coast Innovation Challenge, where the top 10 ranked companies of the First Coast tech hubs will present their technology as a 10-minute pitch to a panel of early-stage investors. Day 2 features the traditional RESI Innovation Challenge, where the top 30 companies who applied are chosen to showcase a poster on the RESI Global Partnering Conference Exhibit Hall.

Using a simple urine-based testing format, Abilis Life Sciences utilizes proprietary analytics and algorithms to easily offer physicians and patients a more comfortable and cost-effective tool to detect bladder cancer. “We are excited to be selected for the RESI Innovation Challenge and are looking forward to moving this exciting diagnostic technology into clinical testing at FITCI in the near future,” said Barry Cohen, Abilis Life Sciences CEO.

Theradaptive is shaping the future of regenerative medicine with a new platform to deliver therapeutics that promote native tissue repair. Theradaptive CEO, Luis Alvarez, had this to say when asked about being selected as finalist, “This event is a tremendous opportunity to share and learn about the very latest developments in biotechnology and should be on every entrepreneur’s radar.”

FITCI President and CEO, Kathie Callahan Brady, had this to say when asked about this exciting news, “We are honored to represent Maryland at the RESI conference. We have a total of 6 FITCI current and graduate companies participating: Abilis Life Sciences, Integrated BioTherapeutics, Mesa Science Associates, RebuImmunity, RoosterBio, and Theradaptive. I am very proud that Abilis Life Sciences and Theradaptive are among the 10 finalists in the First Coast Innovation Challenge.”

The Frederick Innovative Technology Center Inc. (FITCI) was founded in 2004 to foster entrepreneurial activity in the information technology and life sciences industries within Frederick County. FITCI’s mission is to encourage innovation and accelerate the development of commercially viable technology-based businesses by providing a nurturing and supportive environment. FITCI supports early stage biotechnology, information technology, and renewable energy start-up companies by offering office and wet lab space, business services, and strategic support to local entrepreneurs.