Our Facilities
We give you everything you need to take your company to new heights.
Our Value Proposition
FITCI is for scientists and entrepreneurs who want direction to grow their business, we deliver tough love from proven growth fanatics to confidently take you to the next step to exit!
Photo GalleryMaryland’s EDGE at 321
321 Ballenger Center Dr, Suite 125, Frederick, MD 21703
Maryland’s EDGE Location
Maryland’s EDGE serves as FITCI’s corporate office. A one-stop shop for startups, it is the next level of entrepreneurial support in Maryland, housing private lab and offices spaces, an educational lab space, freezer room, wash room, and Base Camp: our 3,000 sq ft community collaboration space.
- Base Camp community collaboration space
- Fully-furnished offices
- Fully-furnished BSL2 wet lab spaces
- Shared Lab Spaces
- Educational lab, freezer room, wash room
- Training & High-Tech Conference Spaces
- Secure WiFi
- Receptionist Support

4539 Metropolitan Court, Frederick, MD 21704

Office Space
Our Metro location is surrounded by serene landscape with a peaceful patio lined with a stream ending in a beautiful pond. Metro offers fully furnished office and wet lab space. We have a shared common lab that all our lab members have access to with modern common equipment most of our companies need to get their company up and running quickly.
- Fully-furnished offices (100 to 150 sq/ft)
- Flexible Office Solutions
- Training & Conference Space
- Secure WiFi
- Receptionist Support
- Beautiful Patio with plenty of kitchen space
Lab Space
FITCI’s wet labs are equipped with standard furnishings to comfortably accommodate and fulfill each company’s unique needs for a proper laboratory environment.
The labs, together with a shared labs and the common/education lab containing standard biotechnology equipment, contain all of the essential elements required for scientific product development and research efforts.
- Labs range from 200 to 550 square feet
- Access to autoclave
- -80 degree freezers
- Ice maker
- Fume vent hoods
- Reverse osmosis water
- Chemical fume hoods
- Bio-safety Cabinets

Common Lab Equipment
- Amsco Century Steris Autoclave, Model SV116
- Beckman Coulter Particle Counter, Z1-S
- Eppendorf Centrifuge, 5415C
- LabCorp Horizon Separation Centrifuge, Model 643
- MJ Research Thermal Cycler, PTC-200
- Stratagene qPCR machine, mX3000
- UPV BioDoc-It Imaging System, M-20
- VWR Scientific Productions Cell Culture Incubator, Model 2300
- Beckman Centrifuge, Model J2-MI
- Allegra Desktop Centrifuge with Cell Culture Package, X-30r
- GeneQuant 100 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer
- VWR Bacterial Shaker/Incubator, Model 643
- Zeiss Axiovert 200M Fluorescent Microscope
- Olympus Microscope, CKx41
- Sorvall RT6000B Centrifuge
- Nikon Eclipse Microscope, TE300
- Nikon Labophot 120v 60 Hz 40 w
- Molecular Devices Precision Microplate Reader Emax
- BMGLabTech FLUOstar Omega
- Illumina HiSeq 2500
- Tecan Infinite Microplate Reader, M1000
- Dremel 3D20 Printer
- Carbide 3D Shapeoko CNC
- Shuttle Star Model RW – SV560A
- Sorvall RT 6000D Refrigerated Centrifuge